
[Draft] Notable Players

Obviously, some players don't regard this DEMO as a game they play to decide whether they should buy the full version or not. And the same thing goes for me, I regard this game as something rivals other games. I've got the full version of BattleField 1942 (with the extention pack "Road to Rome"), but still have a great urge to play this DEMO regularly. Actually it's because I don't really love the full version since there has been some changes in sound and such. I've no idea why those players who have the full version are still playing this demo, but my reason for doing that is as I mentioned above. I don't intend to disparage those DEMO players, but just notice that there're some fine DEMO players with some kind of "experience" at the sacrifice of playing the full version.

Anyhow, in this article, I'd enumerate some of those fine DEMO players. It's quite difficult to do such thing on this game since a player name doesn't belong to anyone (in other words, you don't have to register your player name to the service). I.e., there is a possibility to find another player playing the game using the same player name as yours. Nevertheless, those legendary (a bit exaggerated) players with legendary playter names are still legendary. And I'd love to leave a note about the players not to forget them.

(The list shall come in a few days (you know, however, the sense of "a few" depends on the person who takes the words :P) )


Chas Leigh said...

I also like the demo!!

Visit: www.bf1942demo.com


DoomedMortals said...

I've got no idea if you are aware of this, but we exchanged links quite a while ago! (see 'links')