
[Draft] Tips: Tips On Dogfight

Planes (fighters and bombers) are quite powerful vehicles in Wake island. They can strafe, bomb, run over soldiers. And even the most reliable antiaircraft weapons, the aa-guns, don't bother them, as far as there isn't any in-flight enemy plane.

However, once an enemy plane becomes airbone, you might have to fight fircely against both the enemy plane and the antiaircraft weapons and vehicles on the ground since you can't fly the limited area which the ground weapons can't hit you while being chased by the enemy plane. The possibility to go through the attack decreases if you choose the option unless the enemy pilot using the plane is unskilled. So as I mentioned the above, planes are quite powerful, reliable vehicles in the island for us, and for enemies.

So you must get familiar with dogfight strategies which would make your fight slightly easy. If you think you don't have to fear the enemy planes because you can destroy all of them while they are on the ground, that's a huge mistake. At least there should be 2-3 enemy planes up in the sky right after a game begins, you never can destroy then while they are on the ground because they are located to the positions to be like that.

There are several factors which show the degree of risks of getting shot down by an enemy plane when you are being chased by it. The following is the list of possible factors.
  • The visible surface area of your plane (from the enemy pilot's view).
  • The performance of your plane and the enemy plane.
  • The current speed of your plane and the enemy plane.
  • The current altitude of your plane and the enemy plane.
  • The amount of left ammo of the enemy plane.
  • The current damage on your plane.
  • Variability in your movement.
  • Your and the enemy's skill in controlling planes.
As you can see there're many factors to be considered.
So let's define the risk quantitatively. It might help us understand the situation intuitively.


I'm just sleepy, let me continue this later.


Anonymous said...

Argh!! Continue this dogfight tutorial!! Me need help!! :D

Cheers. :D

DoomedMortals said...


I think I will. :-)
